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HERD 2022 Herding game.  Territory.
DIABLO 2022 Fighting stacks.  Annihilation.
COINS 2022 Point trick.  Rock Paper Scissors element.
MOD FOUR 2022 Plain trick.  Modulo 4.
MOD TEN 2022 Shedding.  Modulo 10.
INSURANCE 2022 Banker.  Insure your bet.
ANAASH 2021 Stacking game.  Annihilation.
BAMBOO 2021 Game of clumps.
BASIC 2009 Game of mixed stacks.
BLACKSTONE 2024 Simple game of blocking and annihilation.
BOUNCE 2023 Simple group forming game.
BYTE 2005 Passive stacks.  Claim 2 out of 3 stacks of 8 checkers.
CAGE 2010 Checkers variant. 
CEPHALOPOD 2006 Dice are used as playing pieces.  Capture from within. 
CLUSTERFUSS 2023 Related to Clobber.  Annihilation goal. 
COLONNADE  2010 One dimensional board. 
COPOLYMER  2006 Multiple cells claimed per turn.  Subtle strategy.
CROSSCUT  2023 Decisive in-a-row game.  Very rare class of game.
DIFFUSION 2006 Original seed sowing mechanism. 
DIPOLE 2007 Attacking game.  Game of annihilation for Checkers set. 
DODO 2021 Super simple game. 
FENCES 2021 Pencil and paper game. 
FLUME (square) 2010 Territory game.  Dots and Boxes family. 
FLUME (hex hex) 2010 Territory game.  Dots and Boxes family. 
GOPHER 2021 Super simple game.  
HADRON 2022 Super simple game.  
HEXOTIC 2024 Oust-class game.   Surround and capture.
ICEBREAKER 2021 A game of icebreakers.  Win by capturing the majority of icebergs. 
IMPASSE 2003 Armies march through each other.  Win by desertion. 
INCHWORM 2021 Game of inchworms. 
JOSTLE 2010 Combinatorial game.    Last to move wins.
KING AND COURTESAN 2022 Army game.    Get your king into the enemy home square, or kill the enemy king.
KOBUDAI 2021 Gender bender.    Game of annihilation.
MAD BISHOPS 2010 Combinatorial game.  Game of annihilation. 
MAD ROOKS 2010 Combinatorial game.  Game of annihilation. 
MARVIN 2012 Stacking game.  Territory. 
MONKEY QUEEN 2011 Stacking game.  Checkmate / annihilation. 
MOSAIC 2009 Tile game.  Game of aggression and territory. 
O 2024 Monocolored loop formation.  One color game. No loop-guaranteeing "hacks" required.
OUST (hex hex) 2007 Magnificent architecture.  Board starts empty and ends with only one color.
OUST (square grid) 2007 Same as Oust (hex hex) but square grid.
PATHWAY 2021 Simple combinatorial.   Make a path.
QUADRATURE 1992 My first game (1992).   Othello-like "squaring" mechanism.  Only MSG game in which draws can occur.
REDSTONE 2012 Go variant.  Red stones are used for capturing, but they cannot themselves be captured. 
RIVE 2010 High churn rate.  Territory.
RUSH 2007 Multiple stones added per turn.  Fast paced game. 
SAVAGE GO  2023 Go variant.  Multiple placements per turn. 
SCRIBE  2006 Pattern forming.  No ties.  Form patterns on an array of 3x3 grids. 
SILO  2021 Mixed stacks, one dimensional game.  Arrange all your checkers into a contiguous substack. 
SUBSUME  2024 Monocolored loop formation.  Two-color game. 
TAKE 2024 Free form Tanbo.  Grow root-like formations of stones. Add new seeds.
TANBO 1993 Game of roots.  Grow root-like formations of stones.
ZOLA 2021 Simple, robust, strategic.  One of my very best games. 
ANCHOR 2D 2008 Triangular board with two triangular holes.  Form connections among board edges and hole edges. 
ANCHOR 3D 2008 3D board with three symmetrically arranged holes.  Form connections among hole edges. 
ATOLL  2008 A game of perimiter islands.  Connect islands of your color.
BEGIRD 2008 Generalized form of Y.  Begird has 6 or more (multiples of 3) perimeter segments. 
CONECT  2024 Conic surface.  Surround the apex of a cone. 
CONECT WIDE CONE  2024 Wide cone board.  Print N Play. 
CONECT NARROW CONE  2024 Narrow cone board.  Print N Play. 
CORDON  2023 Cordoning game.  Cordon off more than half of the board. 
CROSSWAY 2007 Square connection game. No draws.  Eight directions of connectivity.
GRAND HEX  2009 Hex with an added complication. Still a very simple game.
FRACTAL  2010 FRACTAL BOARD    Beautiful game. Designed to minimize first move advantage.
GYRE 2015 Connection game.  Surround center. 
HEX KB  2009 Inspired by Klein bottle.  Uses a "portal".
HEXAGONAL Y  2023 Y adapted to hexagonal board.  Ultra simple, fundamental geometric principle.
HY 2  2023 Y adapted to hexagonal board.  Ultra simple, fundamental geometric principle.
HY 3  2023 Y adapted to hexagonal board.  Ultra simple, fundamental geometric principle.
LARIAT 2008 World's simplest connection game.  Completes the HYL triad: Hex, Y, Lariat.  Pie rule recommended.
LOOPHOLE 2D 2008 Rhombus shaped board with two rhombus shaped holes.  Form connections between board edges and hole edges. 
LOOPHOLE 3D 2008 3D board with three symmetrically arranged square holes.  Form connections among hole edges. 
MOBIUS  2008 Mobius strip.  Connections are formed between colored segments along the edge of a mobius strip.
NESTED Y 2006 Y superimposed on Y 
PYRAMID PARTITION 2024 Fully three dimensional connection game. 
PYRAMID Y 2024 Y board.  Projection of hexagonally tessellated pyramid.
SINGULARITY 2024 Surround a neutral corner stone.  Unusual design.
SUPER LARIAT 2008 Highly unusual geometry.  "Lasso" two of the three crystal shape spars with a double ended lariat of stones.
TRIPEN 2013 Trivalent, variable orientation cell division.  Unusual connection game.
TRIVOR 2012 Trivalent, variable orientation cell division.  Unusual connection game.
X 2009 Three player game.  Form an X shaped path, among other possibilities. 
OOSCGs Orthogonal Only Square Connection Games
CANDY NECKLACE 2024 SPO (single placement only).   Connection game science.
CATACLYSM 2023 Kills are massive and cataclysmic.
CLEARCUT and HALFCUT 2023 Kill by forming crosscut with larger group.
CLUMP 2023 Clobber setup. Form clumps by swapping.
CRISSCROSS 2023 Modified Reversi capture.
CROSSFIELD 2024 SPO (single placement only).   Prohibited glyphs guarantee against draws.
FLIPSTOP  2023 Form crosscut, flip enemy checkers that don't form new crosscuts.
MINCUT  2023 No crosscuts formed. Fuctionally similar to Crossway.
MINEFIELD  2024 SPO (single placement only).   Prohibited glyphs guarantee against draws.
NAKATTA  2024 SPO (single placement only).   The ultimate connection game design.
NAKED DIAGONAL  2024 SPO (single placement only).   Connection game science.
NAKEDFIELD  2024 SPO (single placement only).   Prohibited glyphs guarantee against draws.
NECKLACE  2024 SPO (single placement only).   Loops are prohibited, which safeguards against crosscuts.
OOSCG-W  2023 Form crosscut, kill enemies, replace with friendlies anywhere.
SWAPTIMUM 2023 Form crosscut and swap to kill crosscut.
UNRAVEL 2024 Crosscut dissipation.
BLOOD DIAMONDS 2008 Natural resource management game.  It has a theme, rolled dice, and was designed for online play.
OH COME ON !! 2021 Travel game.  Came to me in a dream.
3D MAZE 2007 Three dimensional maze.  I sold this maze to Games World of Puzzles Magazine in February, 2007. So it's not available for reprint or resale. Just showing here for reference.
3D MAZE SOLUTION 2007 SPOILER ALERT !!   Don't view the solution until after you've attempted to solve the maze.

COPYRIGHTS AND TRADEMARKS - Most of the games presented here were designed solely by me, Mark Steere.  I retain all of the rights to all of my games, including copyrights and trademarks.

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  Copyright 2021 by Mark Steere. All rights reserved.